Welcome to ConservationNEXT! As a collective we have been working together for over a year to bring you ConservationNEXT.com. So surf the site, make us your friends, invite your other friends from the real and virtual worlds, and share your thoughts and ideas with us and with the rest of the ConservationNEXT community.
Non-profit organizations funded by Conservation Alliance grants have helped populate this site so that you can get involved in their grassroots work. Endorse your favorites so that you’ll be updated on their action alerts, and visit often to learn about more non-profit partners. Join our community, connect with friends, and share your thoughts on conservation and places you care about.
This site will grow and evolve, adding more functionality and creating even more opportunities to connect with each other and with volunteer opportunities. Get involved, and help us make this the social networking site of the conservation minded.
– ConservationNEXT Board,
Liz, Brook, Berne, Deanna & Krissy