Bristol Bay, Alaska is host to one of the last great salmon fisheries on earth. It's our last chance to get it right the first time. We must protect this national treasure and its salmon fishery; incredible sport fishing and recreation; fishing jobs and economy; and a native way of life that's thousands of years old from the specter of the Pebble Mine, proposed as one of the largest open-pit mines on earth. Pebble will generate up to 10 billion tons of toxic mine waste that must be stored, treated and monitored "in perpetuity" in the heart of the watershed. EPA has the power to stop this dangerous project under the Clean Water Act and we need you to urge them to do so now.
With the goal of collecting 200,000 signatures by May 31st, The Conservation Alliance and Trout Unlimited Alaska are asking for your help.
Encourage the EPA to initiate use of the Clean Water Act to restrict inappropriate development activities such as the proposed Pebble Mine.