Conservation Alliance Ambassadors are the next generation of key influencers and leaders in the outdoor industry, they care passionately about protecting the wild places we play, and they serve as a conduit for spreading the word about Conservation Alliance programs and grantee activities within their respective companies.
Conservation Alliance Ambassadors volunteer their time, going above and beyond the duties of their full-time jobs at member companies. Our ambassadors are passionate outdoor enthusiasts, and exceptional people. We are excited to introduce them to you. Today, we’d like you to meet Jeff Sermak from Eagle Creek:
What made you want to be an Ambassador for The Conservation Alliance?
In short, the people and The Conservation Alliance’s impact on our wild places.
The people that come together to grow The Conservation Alliance’s reach truly are one of a kind. I was first introduced to The Conservation Alliance when Steve Barker (board member) and Serena visited the Eagle Creek office. Their passion had me hooked, and I wanted to get involved. Learning about all of the great efforts of The Conservation Alliance made it a no-brainer.
Where would you like to see The Alliance in another 25 years from now?
Being a traveler, I would love to see The Conservation Alliance become a global organization. Traveling is an eye opening experience, and I am shocked by the global wilderness devastation. I’d love to see The Conservation Alliance leading the global charge to protect the earth’s wild places.
What areas of conservation are you most passionate about?
I’m most passionate about preservation and access. I want my nieces and nephews, kids and grandkids to enjoy and experience to wonders of wilderness. There is nothing more magical than to spend time outdoors in mountains and valleys with no city lights staring up at a clear starry sky.
Favorite outdoor activity?
So many to choose from. Decisions… Decisions… I’d have to say hiking and fly fishing. Even better is the combination of hiking to alpine lakes to fly fish in complete serenity.
Favorite Wilderness or national park?
Gosh, it is hard to pick one. The Inyo National Forest is my home away from home. Inside that though, my favorite wilderness would be the Owens River Headwaters. Some of my greatest memories have been made there, and I still go back for an annual trip with my dad.
Most eye opening experience for the need of conservation?
I traveled for three weeks through China and I spent a week of it on the Yangtze River. During that time they were constructing a new dam and today a lot of what I experienced is now under water. Little villages were completely destroyed and no one will ever get to experience the same opportunity I had.
What is a recent book you read that you recommend?
Wilderness Book: The Enduring Wilderness: Protecting Our Natural Heritage Through the Wilderness Act by: Doug Scott.
Business Book: The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else In Business by: Patrick Lencioni.
End Quote:
Get out of your comfort zone, volunteer, and share your passion for the outdoors. Not only will it make you feel great, but by introducing new people to wilderness you can teach them the importance of preserving it for future generations to enjoy and discover.
Ambassador Profile: Jeff Sermak, Marketing Coordinator at Eagle Creek Travel Gear