The Conservation Alliance Outstanding Partnership Awards are given to members who provide outstanding support to Conservation Alliance grantees. Our third award will be presented to Filson at The Conservation Alliance Breakfast event on August 6, 2015. Filson and American Rivers are providing opportunities for river enthusiasts to come together around a shared passion for protecting wild rivers. Filson was nominated for this award by Wendy McDermot, Associate Director of the Washington Conservation Programs at American Rivers. Below is an excerpt from Wendy’s nomination:
On October 1, 2014, Filson hosted the first annual Seattle Wild Rivers Night, an evening of inspirational films and presentations about the rivers of Washington state and the environmental issues they face. Filson donated use of their event space at their new corporate headquarters in downtown Seattle. Nearly 200 river enthusiasts attended the event providing exposure not only to American Rivers, but also to seven other conservation and recreation organizations and businesses. Additionally, Filson donated items valued at nearly $1000 to the event’s silent auction. Seattle Wild Rivers Night was wildly successful thanks to the kindness and support of Filson.
On February 18, 2015, Filson hosted a celebration of the passage of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness Additions and Pratt and Middle Fork Snoqualmie Rivers Protection Act which permanently protected almost 40 river miles as Wild and Scenic and just over 22,000 acres as Wilderness. The celebration was coordinated by members of the Alpine Lakes Working Group, which includes American Rivers. Special guests included congressional sponsors of the Act: Senator Patty Murray and Congresswoman Suzan DelBene. Gray Madden, Filson’s President, provided the evening’s welcome and opening remarks. Gray spoke about the importance of protected places and the recreation economy to his company and beyond. Once again, Filson generously donated their event space and made us feel very welcomed.
Filson has nominated American Rivers for funding from The Conservation Alliance for many years. They also donate 1% of their fishing wader sales to American Rivers. Filson has been a wonderful partner to American Rivers, and Amy Terai, Filson’s Marketing Manager, is tremendous to work with. Filson truly deserves to receive an Outstanding Partnership Award from The Conservation Alliance.