Thursday, August 6, 2015
The Marriott City Creek, Salons F-I
Salt Lake City, UT
On May 6th 2014, Eric Larsen and Ryan Waters reached the geographic North Pole, completing a 480-mile land-to-pole unsupported and unaided traverse from Canada’s Northern Ellesmere Island. Called Last North, the journey is easily one of the most difficult expeditions on the planet to a place that few people understand that may be the last of its kind in history. In the past explorer’s have famously quipped, ‘because it’s there,’ but the reason for Eric Larsen’s journey stands in stark contrast, ‘because it might not be there in the future.
Colder is dramatic retelling of the Last North expedition with additional stories from two decades of extreme expeditions. From these first-hand accounts, Eric will share how these last great frozen wildernesses are being affected by climate change.
Eric Larsen is a polar adventurer, expedition guide, and educator, who has spent the past 20 years traveling in some of the most remote and extreme environments on the planet. To date, Eric has completed more polar expeditions than any other American in history. Included in that list are the first ever summer expedition to the North Pole as well as a world record expedition to the South Pole, North Pole and top of Mt. Everest all within a 365-day period.