Thanks to everyone who helped launch ConservationNEXT at the Outdoor Retailer Show in Salt Lake last weekend. The party was a hoot, and it was great to see so much interest in building an online social network focused on grassroots conservation work.
The ConservationNEXT site will continue to evolve. We now have more than 100 NEXTers, and expect many more once people return from the trade show. Our grantees are regularly posting project updates and action alerts to keep you all informed and active in their conservation work. We challenge everyone to respond to at least one action alert per week. Better yet, make a commitment to respond to every action alert posted on the site.
We will use this blog to post basic information and commentary about pressing conservation issues. There's a lot going on out there, and we plan to be a one-stop information source for you all.
In the coming weeks we will add features to the site that will allow NEXTers to communicate with each other through the site. We'll also post the photos we took at the launch event. So please stay tuned and stay active!
-John Sterling