Favorites on Friday: Our Ocean Reports Success on the Oregon Coast

    Photo: Ben Nieves In 2010 and 2011, The Conservation Alliance funded Our Ocean's Oregon Marine Heritage Campaign to designate and implement Oregon's first-ever coast-wide network of six ecologically significant marine reserves and protected areas.  These are areas within Oregon's Territorial Sea or adjacent rocky intertidal area and protected from all extractive activities.  In late…

Shell Oil Sues Alaska Wilderness League

   Photo: Florian Schulz Shell Oil has filed suit agains Conservation Alliance grantees Alaska Wilderness League and National Audubon Society and several other conservation organizations that have raised concerns about the oil company's plan to drill for oil in the Arctic Ocean this summer. The defendants are scratching their heads trying to understand the logic…

Take Action Tuesday: Senator Udall Wants to Hear From You; Speak Up on Behalf of Wilderness

    Photo: Glenn Randall Since 1912, the Colorado Mountain Club has been an unwavering advocate for the protection of Colorado's wild, remote, and quiet places. Last week, CMC's ten-year campaign for more Wilderness in central Colorado took a step toward victory when Senator Udall announced the Central Mountains Proposal. The Central Mountains proposal could encompass as…

Favorites on Friday: Whychus Creek Restoration Success

     Photo: Gary Miller On Tuesday, February 28th, the full flow of Whychus Creek, located just 9 miles north-east of Sisters, Oregon, was redirected to its historic channel through Camp Polk Meadow, for the first time in 47 years.  The Deschutes Land Trust, a Conservation Alliance Grantee, has been working in collaboration with the Upper…

Utah Governor Herbert’s Unholy Alliance Hurts Economy

     Photo: James Kay The State of Utah has never been known for its strong conservation ethic. Recently the Utah Legislature has proposed legislation that would dramatically rollback protections and regulations governing public lands in the state. Black Diamond Equipment's CEO and Founder Peter Metcalf wrote an eloquent piece in today's Salt Lake City Tribune…

Congressman Gallegly introduces recreation and land protection bill for Santa Barbara and Ventura counties

Republican Representative Elton Gallegly, who serves California's 24th Congressional District, introduced legislation on Wednesday that would protect many important wild places in the Los Padres National Forest in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties.  This is first step toward securing Wilderness and Wild & Scenic designations for these areas, an effort led by Conservation Alliance Grantees…

Republican Presidential Candidates vs. Federal Lands

  Two of the remaining candidates for the Republican Presidential nomination think the Federal Government should sell our public lands or transfer them to the states.  Most outspoken on the issue has been Rick Santorum, who recently told a crowd in Idaho, “We need to get it [federal lands] back into the hands of the…

Favorites on Friday: Success for American Whitewater on the Colorado River

        Photo: Kent Vertrees, AW Volunteer FERC Dismisses Preliminary Permit for Flaming Gorge Pipeline In September, 2011, Wyco Power and Water, Inc., filed a preliminary permit application to study the feasibility of developing the Regional Watershed Supply Project.  This project would include seven hydropower projects and 501-mile water pipeline that would run from the Flaming…

Conservation Victories Lie In Local Grassroots Efforts

                                                                    John Sterling on the Owyhee River, Oregon                       During the last week of January, Conservation Alliance Executive Director, John Sterling, spent a few days in Washington, DC, attending conference designed to provide funders with insights into the political landscape, and the prospects for conservation success in 2012.  After returning home and reflecting on the experience…