Ohio Environmental Council

The mission of the Ohio Environmental Council is to secure healthy air, land and water for all who call Ohio home. The OEC’s vision is a clean, beautiful Ohio where diverse people, innovation, and all of our natural treasures thrive.

Ventura Land Trust

The mission of the Ventura Land Trust is to permanently protect the land, water, wildlife and scenic beauty of the Ventura region for current and future generations.

Virginia Wilderness Committee

Virginia Wilderness Committee’s mission is to permanently protect the best of Virginia’s wild places for future generations; foster understanding and appreciation of Wilderness; and promote enjoyment and stewardship of our last remaining wildlands.

Grand Staircase Escalante Partners

Grand Staircase Escalante Partners is committed to preserving and protecting the vast landscape of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.

Park County Environmental Council

Park County Environmental Council works to safeguard the land, water, wildlife and people of Yellowstone’s northern gateway through grassroots organizing and community advocacy.

National Park Trust

National Park Trust (NPT), is a land conservancy and environmental education nonprofit. NPT’s mission is dedicated to preserving parks today and creating park stewards for tomorrow. For nearly 35 years, NPT has enhanced our national park system by working with the National Park Service (NPS) and other agencies to maintain the integrity of our nation’s parks…

Friends of the Columbia Gorge

The only non-profit organization dedicated entirely to protecting the Columbia Gorge.  Friends of the Columbia Gorge vigorously protects the scenic, natural, cultural, and recreational resources of the Columbia River Gorge. They fulfill this mission by ensuring strict implementation of the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Act and other laws protecting the region of the…

The Nature Conservancy – North Carolina

The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends.  Their vision is a world where the diversity of life thrives, and people act to conserve nature for its own sake and its ability to fulfill our needs and enrich our lives.

Save the Redwoods League

The mission of Save the Redwoods League is to protect and restore redwood forests and connect people with their peace and beauty so these wonders of the natural world flourish.