Whatcom Land Trust
The Whatcom Land Trust preserves and protects wildlife habitat, scenic, agricultural and open space lands in Whatcom County for future generations by securing interests in land and promoting land stewardship.
The Whatcom Land Trust preserves and protects wildlife habitat, scenic, agricultural and open space lands in Whatcom County for future generations by securing interests in land and promoting land stewardship.
Save The Waves Coalition is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting and preserving the coastal environment, with an emphasis on the surf zone, and educating the public about its value.
Kittery Land Trust works with landowners, citizens, the Town and neighboring conservation organizations to conserve and steward important natural areas that improve the quality of life in Kittery now and into the future.
San Juan Citizens Alliance advocates for clean air, pure water, and healthy lands – the foundations of resilient communities, ecosystems and economies in the San Juan Basin.
The Red River Gorge Climbers’ Coalition was founded in November 1996 after climbing access issues arose in the Red River Gorge portion of the Daniel Boone National Forest. In February 2000 the RRGCC and the DBNF entered into a Memorandum of Understanding that provided a framework through which these access issues could be addressed.
Friends of the Missouri Breaks Monument works to protect and preserve central Montana’s Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument — nearly 400,000 acres of prairies and badlands, with 140 miles of Wild and Scenic Missouri River flowing through it. The Monument is managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and is public land that…
Forterra’s mission is to act with immediacy to protect, enhance, and steward our region’s most precious resources – its communities and its landscapes.
The Bodie Hills Conservation Partnership is a coalition of organizations working toward the permanent protection of the Bodie Hills, an American treasure with exceptional scenic, historic and recreational values.
Alaska Wilderness League was founded in 1993 to further the protection of Alaska’s amazing public lands. The League is the only Washington, DC-based environmental group devoted full-time to protecting Alaska’s public lands including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, the Tongass National Forest and the Arctic Ocean. The League’s mission is to lead…
The Conservation Lands Foundation is the only organization dedicated solely to protecting, restoring and expanding the National Conservation Lands so they will endure from generation to generation. The National Conservation Lands are 36 million acres of protected public lands, rivers and trails managed by the Bureau of Land Management, that have joined the ranks of…