John Day River Project

The Conservation Alliance supported Western Rivers Conservancy’s John Day River Project to permanently protect more than 19,000 acres along 18 miles of Oregon’s John Day River. WRC purchased the property in 2008. Our funding supported their efforts to transfer 16,114 acres of this land to Oregon State Parks.  This transfer is complete and the grand opening…

Connecticut Watershed

We supported Trust for Public Land’s Campaign to Conserve the Upper Connecticut River to protect the Upper Connecticut River Watershed of Vermont and New Hampshire and preserve its forests, streams, and muscle-powered recreation opportunities. The campaign focused on three separate conservation projects covering 2,341 acres: the Deerfield River, Brushwood Forest, and Gardner Mountain projects. The…

Yukon Flats Refuge

In 2008, The Conservation Alliance funded Northern Alaska Environmental Center’s Yukon Flats Wildlife Refuge Campaign to protect three critical areas in Alaska’s Yukon from oil development.  In 2010, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service formally halted the Yukon Flats Wildlife Refuge land trade and nullified the proposed exchange agreement that would have propelled oil drilling…

Wild Waters

Our support of Wild Earth Guardians’ Wild Forest, Wild Waters Campaign has lead to the designation of “Outstanding Waters” for more than 700 miles of 199 perennial rivers and streams, 29 lakes, and approximately 6,000 acres of wetlands in New Mexico under the Clean Water Act.  Activities that would contaminate these 1.4 million acres of…

Piscataquis Preserve

Thanks in part to our funding, Northeast Wilderness Trust has completed its Piscataquis Preserve Project to conserve 1,200 acres of habitat in Atkinson, Maine.  As a result of this land acquisition, 1,200 acres of protected land will be added to an existing matrix of 20,000 acres already in conservation ownership.

Alleghany State Park

Our funding supported Adirondack Mountain Club’s Save Alleghany State Park Campaign to protect Alleghany State Park from proposed hydro-fracking mining.  ADK reports the New York Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation has designated 85 percent of the 65,000-acre park as Park Preservation Area, meaning it will be maintained in a near-wilderness state. This protection…

Gold Ray Dam

Our funding supported WaterWatch’s Free the Rogue Campaign to complete the removal of three major dams on the Rogue River, freeing the lower 157 miles from recreational and fish passage barriers, boosting salmon and steelhead runs by an estimated 114,000 fish and finalizing the largest instream transfer of water in Oregon’s history. The removal of…

Adirondack Lands

We supported the Adirondack Council’s Upper Hudson Woodlands Campaign to ensure the State of New York purchases a conservation easement covering 92,000 acres of land in the Adirondacks and develops a recreation plan that focuses on human-powered activities and public access. The Council reports that the state completed the purchase in November.

Northern Green Mountains

The Conservation Alliance funded Trust for Public Land’s Campaign for the Northern Green Mountains to permanently protect 6,700 acres of Vermont’s Northern Green Mountains including several miles of the Long Trail and other hiking and skiing paths. 5,727 acres of that goal, the Eden Forest, received protection in November.  The remaining acreage, the 1022-acre Canada…

Index Lower Town Wall

The Conservation Alliance was one of the lead funders of Washington Climbers Coalition’s Index Lower Town Wall Acquisition Campaign to purchase the Index Lower Town Wall a popular climbing crag in Washington State. WCC completed the acquisition in August 2010 and transferred the property to Washington State Parks.