Summit participants only need to get themselves to the Denver International Airport. From there, TCA will provide transportation, lodging and food for the entire Summit.

Day 1
May 22
- Welcome and Registration
- Happy Hour
- Land Acknowledgement
- Set the stage for the week – TCA + Coalition Partners
- The Conservation Alliance – Past, Present, Future
- Dinner with Soraya Smith from Backpacker’s Pantry
- Films – Short Videos
- Campfire Stories and Networking
Day 2
May 23
Morning Schedule
- Morning Activity
- Breakfast
- All Hands – Public Lands, Climate Change and Equity – the Future of Conservation in North America
- Workshop Sessions 1 & 2: Participants will select one of the following workshops to attend during these sessions. Workshops from session 1 will be repeated in session 2
Session 1
No experience with public lands? No problem! Come learn from Liz Vogel, the Wilderness Society (TWS)’s National Director of Access and Education, who oversees TWS’s youth engagement efforts and Urban to Wild, a program in cities which seeks to address the barriers that Black, Indigenous and People of Color face when accessing nature and the outdoors. Liz also administers TWS’s Public Lands Curriculum, an educational resource that puts forward a more inclusive narrative about public lands and conservation history.
This session will provide an accessible overview of what conservation looks like to today, and set the foundation for what you need to know to begin your journey to supporting the conservation movement and fine tune the basics that will help you be a successful advocate for our nation’s trails, lands, parks, forests and waters. The session will be moderated by Teresa Martinez, Executive Director of the Continental Divide Trail Coalition.
Conservation continues to be one of the few issues that American voters, elected officials and leaders from both sides of the aisle agree on. While it’s easy enough to say that out loud, what does it really mean for people who disagree on most issues to work together in a bipartisan way to get conservation done in the halls of Congress and in our backyards? Veteran hill staffers from both sides of the aisle will discuss how and why working with people who see the world differently is critical to the success of any conservation effort and why the business community has a key role to play in that work. Emery County in Utah, the Dolores River in Colorado and other TCA campaigns will be examined through the lens of bipartisan conservation.
Attention is rightfully centered on what the Biden administration and Congress are doing on climate, conservation, and environmental justice at the federal level – but what about in our own backyards? When it comes to closing the nature gap while simultaneously growing the outdoor industry, there’s no better place to get involved than in your home state. Come hear how state-level policymaking is critical to improving access to the outdoors for all, including a few case studies of states that are doing it right. How can you get involved in your home state? Come find out!
Have you heard about Bristol Bay, Alaska and its epic runs of sockeye salmon? Have you dreamed of visiting one day? Campaign leaders from TCA grantees will share the details of how one of the most diverse campaigns in the history of Alaska banded together to stop the biggest open pit mine ever proposed in North America. Warning this panel will include excessive celebration!
The conservation movement is more powerful and effective when we amplify diverse voices, cultures, and experiences. For too long though, the conservation space has failed to represent the diversity of all those that value and are working to protect the outdoors, particularly leaving out those that are often the most impacted by changes in policies and programs. Conservation-focused grant makers are starting to shift this paradigm and who gets funding by re-envisioning how they distribute decision making power. TCA’s Confluence Program will serve as a case study to examine how companies and organizations can foster equity and justice forward through a more trust-based and equitable framework for grant making.
How private land management play a role in supporting biodiversity and climate resiliency
Thanks to the tireless leadership and advocacy of Tribes and local communities across the country, there are increasing opportunities for indigenous- and Tribal-led conservation that not only protect lands and waters, but provide job opportunities, improve the health of wildlife and their habitats, increase access to outdoor recreation, and power local economies. Come hear about three place-based opportunities for success at the intersection of tribal economic development and conservation – and what the business world can do to support continued connection and access.
Have you or anyone you know ever paddled the vast interconnected waterways of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Minnesota, or pitched a tent under starry skies in this vast wild boreal forest? Did you know that The Conservation Alliance, our member businesses, and our grantees helped win major protections for this area against copper mining in early 2023? Save the Boundary Waters leaders will share how this coalition of unlikely partners and stakeholders united to halt the threat of copper mining in the headwaters of this unique and beloved wilderness area. Come hear (and see!) how this campaign found success, how they used media, “adventure advocacy,” events, brand collaborations, and other creative tactics and what lessons can be applied to other conservation efforts.
Session 2
- Workshops from session 1 will be repeated in session 2
Midday Schedule
- Lunch with Heather Kelly from Heather’s Choice
- Workshop Sessions 3 & 4: Participants will select one of the following workshops to attend during these sessions. Workshops from session 3 will be repeated in session 4
Session 3
Some of our best chances to protect large, intact landscapes for climate, communities and wildlife lie in the 49th state. Big recent conservation wins in Bristol Bay and the Tongass National Forest provide a model for indigenous- and community-led conservation that protects landscapes, provides significant climate benefits and generates economic opportunity. What’s next? Come hear about how you can get involved in a conservation opportunity the size of Pennsylvania – 28 million acres of BLM lands – scattered throughout Alaska, and hear also about what’s next for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, including how companies have used their influence to protect this landscape.
Hunters and anglers have been in the conservation game for hundreds of years and continue to play a critical role in protecting wild places and outdoor spaces that provide habitat for fish and wildlife. This panel will explore how businesses, sportsmen and women, and conservation groups are working together to accomplish amazing outcomes in public and private land work.
Increasing wildfires and and nature loss threaten wildlife habitat, outdoor recreation, and our overall quality of life. But by protecting and conserving public lands–particularly forests–through community-led protections, we can turn these lands from a ticking climate bomb into a reliable carbon sink and economic engine. These kinds of nature-based solutions are a critical tool in reducing emissions and transforming our economy, and US forests have a huge role to play. Come hear the Biden administration’s vision for protecting and restoring healthy, carbon-sequestering forests, and see how a shining example of community-led forest conservation has been borne out in the Tongass National Forest in Alaska – where smart forest management driven by the surrounding commmunity is also boosting tourism and the outdoor recreation economy.
This session will focus on the through-lines of leading a community-first campaign to protect lands for people, climate, and nature. On-the-ground campaign leaders will lead the session and discuss what strategies have been successful in the past and how those can be applied for the opportunities ahead.
Every five years, the Farm Bill comes up for reauthorization in Congress – usually containing over $200 billion in funding for non-nutrition programs like climate-smart agriculture and forestry. The must-pass 2023 Farm Bill presents an amazing opportunity to for TCA member companies to engage in place-based conservation, rural communities development, and climate programs. Want to know more about these opportunities? Come find out at this panel!
Communities of color are three times more likely than white communities to live in nature-deprived places. Seventy percent of low-income communities across the U.S. live in nature-deprived areas. And nature destruction has had the largest impact on low-income communities and communities of color. But local communities are working hard to change that – leading on conservation efforts across the country, from large-scale monument proposals like Castner Range outside of El Paso to increasing green space in urban centers. Studies show the importance of access to nature and how it is a basis for healthy communities – which has only become more true since the Covid-19 pandemic. Come learn what the outdoor industry can do to support community-based campaigns to increase access to nature – and how everyone benefits!
When many of us think about conservation and public lands conservation we envision peaks and wild rivers or our favorite camping spot. But public lands can also play key role in curbing climate impacts and powering our clean energy future. From reforming how we get critical minerals for clean technology, to large-landscape planning for utility-scale solar and wind projects, our public lands are a major part of the solution. But all of this must be balanced with how we approach large-landscape conservation. Come hear how Tribes, local communities, project developers and the government are working together to ensure our public lands are protected, while also supporting clean energy projects that will help us meet our climate goals.
How investing in community and conservation can create sustainable and lasting economic prosperity that supports workforce retention and recreation
Session 4
- Workshops from session 3 will be repeated in session 4
Afternoon/Evening Schedule
- Keynote – Afdhel Aziz
- Activity
- Pinnacle Happy Hour
- Dinner with Jennifer Scism from Good To-Go
- Activity
- Campfire Stories and Networking
Day 3
May 24
Morning Schedule
- Morning Activity
- Breakfast
- Taking your impact to the next level
- Workshop Session 5
Session 5
An in-depth workshop led by TCA member companies on how to use your brand and communications tools to achieve conservation outcomes from raising funds for NGO partners to boosting your own social engagement and marketing metrics. Presenters will specifically address how cause marketing efforts have been reflected in their companies bottom line.
Corporate advocacy can be intimidating, we’ll share best practices that will help you leverage your voice as a force for good while building authenticity and loyalty with your customers. Speakers from vastly different industries will discuss how they tackle advocacy and approach ESG.
This panel will discuss how companies can establish their own corporate grant making strategy or be active participants of TCAs member-directed grants program as a way to support their own mission. The discussion will focus on best practices, including funder collaboratives and promoting the principles of trust-based philanthropy, and highlight how these investments can support a company’s core values, including meeting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals.
Midday Schedule
- Working Sessions / Breakout Groups
- Parting Words + Commitment Board
- Grab and Go Lunch