prAna's mission of sustainability, mindfulness, and connection to the outdoors, and the climbing community, is evident in their work, products, and advocacy.
prAna has been a dedicated partner of Access Fund since 1993, playing a critical role in keeping climbing areas open and conserving the climbing environment. prAna is a consistent business voice in support of protecting climbing areas and access. prAna's mission of sustainability, mindfulness, and connection to the outdoors, and the climbing community, is evident in their work, products, and advocacy.
Access Fund recognized prAna's commitment to advocacy work when they awarded prAna the Sharp End award in 2006 for their dedication to conservation, stewardship, and community activism.

As Conservation Alliance member, prAna has twice successfully nominated Access Fund for funding, totaling $65,000.
In 2011, prAna nominated Access Fund for funding of the Jailhouse Rock campaign; a successful project resulting in the purchase and permanent access to Jailhouse Rock, a popular climbing crag near Sonora, California. This successful effort included a long-term plan to manage the impacts of climbers at the area.
More recently, prAna nominated Access Fund for Conservation Alliance funding for the Holy Boulders Project. In April, a grant of $40,000 was awarded and will be used to secure permanent public access and long-term conservation of Holy Boulders in Southern Illinois for future generations of climbers to enjoy.
prAna has also been a leading force in the sharing Access Fund stories of stewardship, education, and conservation with their community of customer through their robust social media channels.
Without partners like prAna, organizations like the Access Fund would not have the same capacity and resources to conserve the outdoor spaces we all love and desire to protect.
To learn about prAna's commitment to protecting the places we play and their support of the Access Fund, click here