Join the Leading Edge Program

Our most outdoor spaces and wild places are under threat – jeopardizing the resilience of, and access to, the landscapes our communities and businesses rely on. We cannot stand by and watch this happen. The outdoor industry has long led the charge in fronting these types of threats and while we are continuing to mobilize our member companies, there is also power in individual action – especially from those that have built their careers in the outdoor industry and on the backbone of our public lands and waters.

Grassroots organizations working to fend off these threats need our support more than ever. Our community needs to mobilize to ensure this economy and its most valued assets are protected.

Donor Levels and Benefits:

$5,000 – Advocate
Benefits include: Insider news and direct communication from TCA’s Executive Director; Invitation to annual Leading Edge webinar,events and educational opportunities, and TCA Summit; a TCA branded hat

$10,000 – Defender
Benefits include: Insider news and direct communication from TCA’s Executive Director; Invitation to annual Leading Edge webinar with networking opportunity with guest speaker,events and educational opportunities; Invitation to TCA Summit; Invitation to DC Fly-In and exclusive reception; optional TCA branded hat; quarterly phone call with TCA/Executive Director

$50,000 – Champion
Benefits include: Insider news and direct communication from TCA’s Executive Director; Invitation to annual Leading Edge webinar with networking opportunity with guest speaker,events and educational opportunities; Invitation to TCA Summit; Invitation to DC Fly-in and exclusive reception; invitation to participate in a trip to a priority campaign landscape. optional TCA branded hat & water bottle; quarterly phone call with TCA/Executive Director

To learn more about Leading Edge and join, contact