How ConservationNEXT inspired us…

MAKE SURE TO HONK AND WAVE IF YOU SEE THIS VAN DRIVING IN THE SAN DIEGO REGION!     Outdoor Outreach ( is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower at-risk and underprivileged youth to make positive, lasting changes in their lives  through comprehensive outdoor programming.  Through the encouragement of Conservation Next, our entire…


The House of Representatives voted today to pass the Omnibus Public Land Management Act. The final vote in the House was 285-140. The bill passed the Senate 77-21 last week. The lands package now goes to President Obama for his signature, possibly as early as next Monday. The President is expected to sign the bill….

Conservation Alliance Member Recognized for His Commitment to Wilderness

Teague Hatfield, owner of Alliance member FootZone of Bend was recognized by the Campaign for America's Wilderness for his commitment to Wilderness protection for The Badlands, a 30,000-acre desert wildland outside of his home in Bend, Oregon. Congratulations to Teague for this much-deserved recognition. Check out the article here. On an unrelated note, Teague's shop…

Obama Chooses Sen. Salazar as Interior Secretary

President-elect Barack Obama nominated Colorado Senator Ken Salazar to serve as his Interior Secretary. This appointment will have the greatest impact on the land and water conservation efforts over the next four years. The only other position that rivals the Interior Secretary's importance to conservation is Forest Service Chief. The Interior Secretary oversees the National…

ConservationNEXT visits the Capital

  I have to say transitioning from the walls of the Grand Canyon to the walls of the capital is no easy task. In fact my head was spinning a bit as I left a 15 day Grand Canyon trip, made the quick 12 hour drive back to California and hopped on a plane heading…