Success Story 2022

Bracken Mountain Preserve Expansion

Conserving Carolina
Bracken Mountain Preserve Expansion
Conserving Carolina
34 acres protected

The Bracken Mountain Preserve, which sits directly between the city of Brevard, North Carolina, and the Pisgah National Forest, recently grew by nearly 10% and reached a total of 425 acres of protected healthy forest.

In late fall 2022, 34 acres of undeveloped healthy forest adjacent to the existing Bracken Mountain Preserve was put up for sale. Mobilizing quickly, Conserving Carolina coordinated with the city government and many dedicated individuals to raise funds and secure the purchase in just a few short months.

This was the very definition of a coordinated effort. The land, purchased by Conserving Carolina, will be transferred to the City of Brevard, which will in turn expand the existing trail system to increase accessibility for more recreational and educational users.