Proposed Oil Drilling in Yukon Flats Wildlife Refuge Delayed

  Pam Miller from the Northern Alaska Environmental Council sent us a report that the group has succeeded in delaying a proposed land swap that would transfer 110,000 acres, and subsurface drilling rights inside Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to Doyon, Ltd. The lands in question are believed to be rich in oil…

Timmy O’Neill Returns to the Outdoors

Our good friends at Timex continue to produce excellent short films as part of their Return to the Outdoors promotion. Each film starts with a nice PSA about The Conservation Alliance. Check out the most recent film featuring climber and occasional Conservation Alliance spokes-comedian, Timmy O'Neill. I also recommend scrolling down to check out the…

Conservation Alliance Testifies for Rogue River Protections

Conservation Alliance Executive Director John Sterling testified on September 11 before a Subcommittee of the US House of Representatives in support of legislation that would protect the tributary streams of the Lower Rogue River in Oregon under the federal Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. The Oregon Treasures Act of 2008, introduced by Oregon Congressman Peter…

Conservation Alliance Members Storm DC

A group of four Conservation Alliance members traveled to Washington DC to talk to members of the Congress about the importance of a proposal to protect more than 2 million acres of public land and more than 1000 miles of rivers. Representatives from The North Face, Osprey, The Forest Group, and The Conservation Alliance spent…

GREAT NEWS: Court Curtails Snowmobile Use in Yellowstone

  Winter Wildlands Alliance reports the following on their effort to limit winter motorized recreation in Yellowstone National Park: "A federal court ruled today that the Bush Administration's decision authorizing snowmobile use in Yellowstone National Park violates the fundamental legal responsibility of the National Park Service to protect the clean air, wildlife, and natural quiet…

Help protect Chilean Rivers

Hello NEXTers, I just participated in International Rivers' letter writing campaign to protect the Baker and Pascua rivers in Patagonia, southern Chile from 5 large hydroelectric dams. You have the chance to help protect Patagonia, too.  This is another opportunity for your voice to be heard.  As a collective, many voices standing together, ConservationNEXT will make…