EPA Eases Restrictions on Mountaintop Removal Mining

From the New York Times: "The White House on Tuesday approved a final rule that will make it easier for coal companies to dump rock and dirt from mountaintop mining operations into nearby streams and valleys." Check out the full article. Mountaintop removal is one of those issues that sounds like science fiction. But it…

Eating less meat to reduce your carbon footprint

Here is a great article that discusses the impact eating meat has on our carbon footprint.  I noticed a lot of Nexters have pledged to eat less meat this year to help reduce their negative impact on the environment, so I hope this article helps to strengthen your resolve! As More Eat Meat, a Bid…

How to Go Green: Gift Giving

[by Team TreeHugger]    Is anything more wonderful than finding the perfect gift for someone, or receiving the present that's just what you needed? How about gift-giving accompanied by the knowledge that your gift is also a gift for the planet? There's more to green giving than just switching to the stuff with the "green"…

Hope for NW Salmon Recovery

The Idaho Statesman — the paper of record for the state's largest city — just published an upbeat editorial that offers a vision of hope for salmon recovery in the Columbia/Snake river systems of Idaho and Oregon. It's a good read, and shows how new leadership in Washington, with a commitment to salmon, new energy…

Congress Pushes Big Public Lands Package to 2009

  Congress will not vote this year on a package of legislation that includes more than 15 provisions to protect Wilderness and wild rivers on public lands in the US. Conservation Alliance grantees worked hard to build public support to protect places including Mount Hood in Oregon, Idaho's Owyhee Canyonlands, California's White Mountains, and rivers in…

The End of Euphoria

Monday, November 10, 2008 The End of Euphoria   On November 4, 2008 the world witnessed a great day in history. Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States. In a victory that can only be described as a landslide, the nation's first African-American head of state elect ushers in a new…

How Does The NEXT Generation Perceive Conservation

Check out this great article at Orion Magazine sharing how people all over the world are using the internet to promote environmental not-for-profits that they support. Last year hundreds of individuals uploaded homemade videos to YouTube discussing environmental and humanitarian issues they cared about and the not-for-profit organizations that were working toward solutions. YouTube has…

Slacktivism: Antidote to Apathy

Are you a slacktivist????  We at ConservationNEXT are working to reverse this growing trend…  check out the transcript below from a recent NPR Perspective that gets to the heart of what we are trying to do and who were are hoping to reach with conservationnext.com Slacktivism: Antidote to Apathy September 11, 2008 from Day to Day ALEX…