Land Easement for access to Continental Divide Trail

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) New Mexico Office has acquired a right-of-way from the New Mexico State Land Office (NMSLO) to improve recreational access along the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (CDNST). The right-of-way will authorize and facilitate hiking through segments of state land located along the CDNST and will enable federal funds to…

Sawdust Spring

Santa Fe River Acquisition – Phase 3

The Alachua Conservation Trust (ACT) continues to make progress in its “Rise Up for the Santa River” campaign, for which it received a Conservation Alliance grant. The campaign seeks to protect 818 acres of Florida’s Santa Fe River watershed. The designated area includes crucial wildlife and healthy forest habitat, freshwater springs, riverbank, and portions of…

Conserving Carolina

Bracken Mountain Preserve Expansion

The Bracken Mountain Preserve, which sits directly between the city of Brevard, North Carolina, and the Pisgah National Forest, recently grew by nearly 10% and reached a total of 425 acres of protected healthy forest. In late fall 2022, 34 acres of undeveloped healthy forest adjacent to the existing Bracken Mountain Preserve was put up…

Gunks Climbers' Coalition

Millbrook Mountain Conservation Initiative: Ant Lion Crag

In October 2020, the Gunks Climbers’ Coalition (GCC) purchased a 61-acre parcel of land in the Shawangunk Mountains close to New Paltz, NY. The purchase was made possible by a loan from the Access Fund and includes 1,000 feet of the Millbrook Mountain cliff line, including the historic Antlion Crag that will add 70-100 high-quality…

Spence Mountain

Spence Mountain

In November 2022, the Trust for Public Land and its partners, Klamath County and the Klamath Trails Alliance, finalized the acquisition of Spence Mountain. This 7,500-acre area in southern Oregon includes forestland that rises to 5,800 feet along the Upper Klamath Lake and is located near Winema National Forest, and Mountain Lakes and Sky Lakes…

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Seymour Creek Big Hole River

Thanks to a conservation collaboration by a longtime traditional landowner, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation 3,600 acres of wildlife and riparian habitat in the Big Hole River watershed will now be protected as public lands. This recent acquisition includes two miles of the Big Hole River and two…

Woodbury Mountain Wilderness Preserve

In December of 2021, Northeast Wilderness Trust established the Woodbury Mountain Wilderness Preserve, and has since added more acreage to the Preserve, cumulatively protecting 6,098 wild acres near Montpelier, Vermont. With stunning northern hardwood forests, many types of wetlands, and 39 miles of headwater streams, the land protects regional wildlife connections, as it sits at…

The Wilderness Land Trust

North Cascades – Washington State Wilderness Campaign

The Wilderness Land Trust is celebrating the successful protection of 630 acres of privately owned property within federally designated wilderness areas. The protected lands were all acquired or transferred as part of the organization’s North Cascades – Washington State Wilderness Campaign. With The Conservation Alliance support, the Trust is celebrating the acquisition of seven parcels,…

Kamama Prairie Gateway

­­The Arc of Appalachia has completed the acquisition of the Kamama Prairie Gateway, a six-acre parcel in Adams County, Ohio, that provides the first road access and public entrance to the previously land-locked Kamama Prairie Preserve, bringing the total of protected acres to 192. The purchase was made possible through grant funding via the Clean…

Pleasant River Headwaters Forest

An additional 26,584 acre parcel of the Pleasant River Headwaters Forest is now under the stewardship of Conservation Alliance grantee Appalachian Mountain Club. The acquisition marks 100,000 acres of forest in the state of Maine that is now protected by AMC. This project was part of their larger Maine Woods Initiative that seeks to combine outdoor…